10 great gifts for under £15 for the Tinkerer and Fixer....

10 great gifts for under £15 for the Tinkerer and Fixer....

Gift ideas for under £15 from Tinker and Fix - for makers, menders, gardeners

We don’t know about you, but we seem to be lurching from ‘sod it, let’s have the best Christmas ever, we deserve it after the year we’ve all had’, to ‘crikey, we better be a bit cautious this Christmas because we knows what January will bring’.

If either of these fit your thinking, we reckon we’ve got you covered, with 10 different gifts that are less than £15. 

So if you’re literally filling your boots this Christmas and want to put together some brilliant stocking gifts, we’ve got a good selection that would work really nicely. 

Or, if you want to give something thoughtful rather than tat that won’t survive the bin beyond new year, we’ve got the same great selection of gifts for you to chose from.  

They are:

We’d be chuffed to get any of these for Christmas. And we reckon any maker, mender or grower would be equally happy.

As ever, and especially during these times, if you need us to compile the gift and send it direct to your friend or family member, we’d be happy to (you can even put in one our Christmas Cards if you like – we’ll write the message on your behalf).  

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