Sale and Delivery of Bladed items
A few of the products we sell fall under the definition of a ‘bladed article’ as outlined in the Offensive Weapons Act 2019.
The sale of these items require us to check that the purchaser is 18+ years old. These items are marked as requiring age verification in their product descriptions and won’t be shipped until that has taken place. Your age will be checked automatically by us using a service provided by OneID. In the event of these automatic checks not being successful we will then contact you to provide further evidence of your age. More information about OneID can be found on their website here.
From 6th April 2022, the final part of the Offensive Weapons Act comes into law. This now requires an additional age verification check to be conducted when any item covered by the legislation is delivered. This means that;
- The delivery driver will need to see ID proving that the named recipient is over 18+ years old. Again this can be done with either a driving license or passport. Unfortunately this new requirement means a significant increase in the cost of postage of bladed items.
- Due to the complexity of shipping costs we have decided to keep our standard shipping rates the same, but bladed items will have (what we are calling) a ‘bladed postage fee’ that is already included in the retail price - to cover the cost of age verification on delivery.
If you are planning to purchase multiple bladed items then please get in contact as we may be able to reduce the ‘bladed postage fee’ for multiple items (however this does depend on the total weight of your order).
The increase in retail price (our ‘bladed postage fee’) to cover the increased delivery cost of age verification applies to following products;
- any pen knife apart from those with a non-locking blade under 75mm long
- any Leatherman multi-tool with a locking blade.
- axes
- garden tools such as Hori Hori’s