Birthdays in January...

Birthdays in January...

Chose the perfect present from Tinker and Fix

What’s worse? A birthday in December when everything is focused on festivities, or a birthday in January – the month most know for self-imposed restrictions, restraint, and resolutions? We definitely reckon it’s January. This is when it’s our son’s birthday and it’s always a tad bleak to be honest. The weather is usually pretty rubbish which limits what you can do (other than indoors which has been problematic for the last couple of years). And, let’s be honest - both money and energy levels can be somewhat depleted after Christmas. Let’s add in the ongoing omnipresence of the C-word – which not only means that fingers are permanently crossed that we won’t catch it or have to isolate, but also means that those perfect present ideas aren’t always able to be realised because of supply chain issues.

With 14 years of January birthdays under our belts now (where did that time go?!) we now know that all birthday chatter is shut down until the new year (all requests for gift ideas or present suggestions are firmly rebuked until then). Then it’s all guns blazing after the 1st January.  Unfortunately this year we’ll still have to undertake the search for the best birthday present – as we are a couple of years off giving him a Leatherman (we reckon this is the perfect gift for a 16th or 18th birthday).

But to all the January birthdays buyers – we too feel your pain. Perhaps we can help if your recipient is into making, mending or growing – have a scoot round the gift ideas section of the website – we’ve got some cracking suggestions for people who like gardening, DIY, restoring or fixing cars or motorbikes…

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