Workwear warmth whilst keeping your arms free...

One of our newest bit of Carhartt kit that Edd has been testing is the Carhartt Arctic Vest and now, after a fair few weeks of wear, it definitely gets his stamp of approval as being the perfect garment for when you need a bit of warmth when you’re working outside on cold but dry days.
Here are the two reasons why we reckon putting on a vest jacket – like the Carhartt Arctic Vest - has two big benefits...
- It may seem counter intuitive to put on a vest jacket when it's cold. Given it doesn’t have any sleeves and therefore exposes your arms to the cold weather when you’re in the garden, workshop or garage during the winter months. But wearing a sleeveless jacket keeps your core temperature warm – which means that your extremities (hand/feet) stay warm too. Essentially, by keeping your core insulated and toasty warm, your blood flow remains constant across your body. When your core temperature drops, your body reacts and reduces the blood flow to your extremities in order to protect your key organs. So – just because it doesn’t have sleeves, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be cold.
- The key benefit – we reckon – is that a vest jacket gives you much more freedom to move your arms around – which is (obviously) a really key clothing feature when you are doing DIY, or working in a workshop, garage or whilst gardening. The cut of the Carhartt Artic Vest allows you to move your arms freely – and its shorter front and longer back means you don't get folds of fabric around your waist when bending forward, but your lower back stays covered.
So why – specifically - the Carhart Artic Vest? We both have other vest jackets that we’ve used for years (when working, dog walking and generally) – but this Carhartt vest is designed for labour, it’s a proper piece of workwear. It’s of the quality that we know and expect from Carhartt. Quite simply, it’s a vest jacket that’s made to last and designed with work (rather than just looking good) in mind.