The Frank is featured!

The Frank Toolroll has recently been featured in both 'Country Life' and 'Country Living' - two great magazines!
We are always genuinely thrilled when newspapers and magazines feature things from Tinker and Fix - as we are a small independent company (actually we're just a husband and wife team - we do everything ourselves). So it's an exciting moment when we see ourselves 'in print'. Especially for The Frank Tool Roll - which was where Tinker and Fix began - with Edd wanting to copy his grandpa's (Frank) toolroll after it has been passed down to him.
Being totally honest too - it's really important for magazines, such as Period Living, to include small companies such as us - because every bit of coverage really does help to get the word out about Tinker and Fix and the range of tools and presents we offer to people who like to make, mend and grow. We love it when people find us after they have seen us in a magazine - especially as we edge closer to Christmas (yes I've said it, but Edd won't read this far down, so hopefully I'll get away with it as he hates any mention of it before Halloween is finished - which, to be honest is somewhat problematic given we sell things that would make great gift ideas). We regularly have people getting in touch to say they have 'found' us and now love what we do and how we've 'solved' the problem of finding gifts for Christmas for their dads and mums, grandparents, or their tricky to buy for uncle or aunts. That we have gift solutions for the DIY fan, the gardener, the person who like to whittle or mend. All this makes us happy - because that's exactly our purpose! So thank you to Country Living and Country Life for featuring our tool roll!