Some Sneeboer additions... some just at shows
Sneeboer gardening tools are the highest quality garden tools that we highly recommend. Their range is, frankly, massive - with a lot of very specific gardening tools for every task you could imagine, specific to different soil types or plants.
We've slowly built our Sneeboer collection up over the last few years, from the brilliant 'basics' (although they are far from basic!) of their trowels, spades and forks, to add in more some of their range. Our latest new additions are:
The Sneeboer Handspade - think of it as a short handled spade. We're huge fans of the Great Dixter Sneeboer tools (long handled forks and spades) but this new Handspade has a flatter, traditional 'spade' profile, compared to the Great Dixter which has a trowel shape.
The Sneeboer Rake - we've been testing this and really rate this rake - it's high quality and brilliant for raking the soil on your veg patch (what we use it for!). Sorry but this is an absolute pain to ship given its length and size, so we can't ship it easily - so it's only available at shows.
The Sneeboer Long Royal Dutch Hoe: This is my (Lou's) favourite garden tool - both the short version and the long one. It cuts through heavy soil like butter - on both the pull and the push, making weeding so much easier and done in half the time. There's no 'bounce' at all. It's the best quality and we can't recommend it enough. Again, sorry, given its length we can't ship it easily - so it's only available at shows.
We also have three 'knives' from Sneeboer - all very different in use:
The Sneeboer Lawn Edging Knife - it's perfect for getting the edge back on your lawn, and as it's Sneeboer the quality of the blade, combined with the ease of use from the brilliant handle, makes it a great buy for the gardener who likes to keep their lawn neat and tidy.
The Asparagus Knife - a great tool for ensuring you cut your asparagus correctly - because after all the time, energy and effort of growing it, you want to ensure it makes it to the table! It's a great gift for gardeners who already have everything, this is a nice to have gardening tool, that will be loved for generations.
The Sneeboer Pot Knife - great for removing plants from pots, making a difficult job easier (and seen on Gardener's World, so if it's good enough for Monty Don, it's good enough for us!) This is long, so we can't ship it easily - so it's only available at shows.
If you're interested in any of the show only Sneeboer tools, then do get in touch so we can ensure we bring them along to the event you're planning to come to.