New Sneeboer in stock!

We’ve just received an order that we’ve been waiting on for a while. It’s like Christmas over here in the Tinker and Fix House as we’re opening up boxes discovering tools that we’d planned and ordered ages ago! We’ve brought an even wider selection of tools than we had before - as we absolutely rate them the more we use them, and because we keep getting contacted by people asking if we plan to bring in specific items (as they rate them and want to re-buy or get them for a gift for a loved one).
Without wanting to sound at all ‘salesy’ or pushy - we know that they often fly off the metaphorical shelves. Reason being is they are in huge demand because they are absolutely the best gardening tools you can buy. Yes they are expensive, but not when you calculate their lifetime value (try swapping all the broken forks, spades and trowels with one good one from Sneeboer and we reckon you might even save some money in the long run). That's why their tag line is 'Tools for life. and generations to come.'
The other reason they sell out fast is because they make everything by hand. There’s no factory line production, no ability to massively upscale manufacturing to satisfy demand. They’ve got one forge. With highly trained blacksmiths who’ve honed their skills over the years. (To find out more - check out their website)
Add to the mix COVID distancing which has depleted the number of people they can have in making, and COVID demands for more gardening equipment - well it’s meant a fair few backlogs.
But we know they are worth the wait. Hence the excitement that we have stock... (and yes, before you email and ask - if we have it listed, we have it in our hands - we don’t pre-sell stuff as we reckon that’s a recipe for disaster and disappointment).
So, in short, we now have the following new Sneeboer tools and we don’t quite know when we’ll have them restocked (we will, but you’ll just have to be patient....!)
Garden Spades and Forks:
- Sneeboer Border Fork (4ft)
- Sneeboer Border Spade with steps
- Sneeboer Perennial Spade
- Sneeboer Digging Fork (4ft)
Smaller tools:
And we have some returning favourites: