Let there be light…

Let there be light…

When the clocks turn back and the weather turns, the lure of the garage or garden diminishes, and the pull of the warm indoors increases.   
But jobs still need doing, despite the decrease in daylight hours.
So how can we help to keep the Tinkering and Fixing alive over the winter months?

Whilst we have little to offer in the form of motivational mottos, or inspirational quotes, what we can offer you is:

  1. The gift of light…. In the form of the Liggoo light set. It’s a cracking torch that can be used as head torch, or hung up or, given its magnetic, attached to anything metal.  So, you can easily use it in an engine bay or anywhere you need to cast light.  Yes  -you’ve probably got a head torch, yes you’ve probably got overhead lighting – but trust us – this is a clever piece of kit that really works.
  2. The gift of not wrecking your clothes. Jobs get dirtier in the dankness of winter. Overalls really do come into their own at this time of the year. Not only do they save the washing, but they also add a warm layer – so you’ve less excuse to come in early due to the cold. Carhartt overalls are the original and the best. They get better with age and if you treat them with Otter Wax, they repel water – particularly good to do it on the knee panels to reduce soggy patches after you’ve been kneeling down.

We’ve a couple of over-winter projects – we’ll post up some pics to show you how we’re getting on (and that we don’t just spout stuff – they’ll be proof to show we actually practice what we preach – that we do actually use the Liggoo and the overalls!)

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