Holiday’s over...

Holiday’s over...

Tinker and Fix team on their travels!

We’re back. Normal services resume - so if you want to order something - go ahead - it’ll get sent out straight away!

It’s tricky being a husband and wife team, as we don’t like ‘shutting up shop’ but we kind of have to, to enable us to go away as a family.

So - thanks to all the customers who have been super understanding with the delay in their orders being dispatched. We really appreciate it - we know you can buy some of our things elsewhere - so we are chuffed you were happy to wait and support us as a small independent business.

We’ve been busy putting together all the orders that came in whilst we were away and they’ve all now gone to the post office and should be on their way to you soon. So... en-route are plenty of packages full of Sneeboer garden tools, a good number of Trusco and Toyo toolboxes, along with a fair bit of Carhartt workwear, some Niwaki gardening tools and a smattering of King Dick spanners. Thanks and enjoy using your tools and kit when it arrives!
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