Edd's Father's Day favourites

Edd's Father's Day favourites

Edd from Tinker and Fix talks tools for great Father's Day gifts

So I just made Edd do a Father's Day video. 

He wasn't happy, as he's personally just not keen on the whole dad's day or mum's day phenomenon (I'm not bothered much either - but people do like to treat their loved ones on days like this, so why not buy them a gift that they'll love and will last - that's my thinking).  

His Father's Day favourite gift ideas - go to suggestions for dads who like to make, mend and grow, are: 


So - take a look at Instagram to see Edd talk through each of these father's day present ideas in a bit more detail. But more importantly, they'd just make a nice gift for Birthday, Christmas - any occasion, if - like Edd - Dad's day just isn't your bag. 



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