Duck vs Sandstone
Rather than being the latest Marvel super hero movie, we have been asked a few times what the difference is between the Carhartt Duck and Sandstone bib overalls.
Firstly, Duck and Sandstone aren't colours - they are different Carhartt fabrics. Duck canvas is their original fabric. Its thick, at 12oz, and has a rigid and stiff feel to it especially when new. It will break in overtime and is extremely durable.
Sandstone is also 12oz cotton duck canvas but its been pre-washed and 'broken in' by a micro-sanding process. This gives the fabric a much softer feel when new and would be what the standard Duck bib's would feel like with a years wear on them.
Both these bibs are Carhartt Brown. The one on the left is the Duck fabric and the other one is Sandstone. You can see that the one of the right looks worn and has a softer feel.
Both do the same job - it’s just a choice on how you want them to feel on the first wear.