All you need for deadheading...

Deadheading is ongoing during the summer months. As well as cutting flowers to enjoy in the house, there’s the challenge of keeping the blooms in the garden repeating throughout the season too. Especially as we enjoy roses and have a flower cutting patch – they all need good regular deadheading for the repeat flowerers to keep the garden looking great.
So the tools most in our hand at this time of the year are all for cutting or deadheading:
- the Niwaki Sentei secateurs (or depending on your hand size or preference- this may be the Niwaki GR pro’s or GR pro lightweights)
- the Niwaki garden snips,
- the Niwaki garden scissors.
I use the Niwaki secateurs for most of my deadheading, unless the flowers are in a tight spot, which is when I’d change to the snips. And the Niwaki garden scissors are used for cutting flowers from the cutting patch.